The Art of Hygge
February can sometimes feel dreary. We know spring is coming, but we’re still in the depths of winter. This may be when you take that warm vacation, sprint to your summer home, or cozy up in your home and don’t come out. Others may just feel down in the dumps - will winter ever end?! Wherever you are in that spectrum, and whatever weather you are endearing - practicing something called Hygee can help you feel happy, cozy, and warm.
Hygge (pronounced hooga) is the Danish word that translates to cozy. It refers to a feeling of creating a cozy space for yourself, either by yourself or with others, in a quiet space creating relaxation and peace. It encourages you to find happiness in the simplest things such as a warm cup of coffee, a cozy blanket, a quiet dinner with family and friends at home, etc. It’s less about spending money and purchasing things for happiness or traveling to places around the world, and more about noticing and enjoying the people, environment and experiences you already have around you and being present with that. It’s about being content with what is right in front of you. In a world where we’re constantly on the go - hygge helps you slow down and enjoy the present moment.
Wait, isn’t this just mindfulness? Sort of! Mindfulness and Hygge go hand in hand. Mindfulness is the practice of being aware of the right here and right now and noticing your thoughts, feelings and surroundings. Similarly with hygge, you are fully present and aware of what’s in front of you, and you are practicing gratitude towards it by enjoying the here and now in a simple way. You don’t have the be meditating or deep breathing while practicing hygge, unless you want to of course! When your environment is calm, you in turn can be calm and simply enjoy what is instead of what should or could be happening. The simple things are the big things and you can just be present with whatever it is you’re doing in a calm atmosphere.
Now doesn’t that sound lovely?!
Now what are the benefits of this practice? Why should I do it you ask?
I personally practice this and I’ll tell you it really increases my happiness. I find myself to be more present in even the smallest things. For example, right now I’m wrapped in a cozy blanket with a warm cup of coffee and my fire is on, it’s quiet as the rest of my family is still sleeping (bliss!!). I’m super cozy, and writing about being cozy ha! But I’m happy, and I’m present. I’m enjoying where I am right now in my personal quiet space and as you can see, I don’t need much to be feeling this way.
There are actual proven health benefits to practicing hygge. These include:
Increases happiness
Decreases stress
Helps you be present in the moment
Improves your self-care and self-love
Increases feelings of contentment over consumerism
Combat maladaptive coping strategies, such as spending excessive time on devices or watching television, drinking too much alcohol or using drugs
Okay so I know what hygge is, it sounds great! How do I add this to my life?
Great question! Like anything, start simple. Where do you think you could insert some hygge into your life? Is it your morning coffee? A quiet afternoon? After the kids go to bed? All three?!
Things to consider when adding hygge into your life.
Embrace self care
First of all ALLOW YOURSELF to practice some self care. Light a candle, cozy up in a blanket with a good book, wear a cozy outfit, snuggle with a loved one. You get the idea - but the point is allow yourself to do so. Hygge doesn’t involve you doing these things while thinking about other things you should be doing instead and beating yourself up about it. It’s about practicing these actions while being present with them and enjoying them fully, without guilt or distraction. Just simply be! Self compassion is key here, if you’re beating yourself up while reading a book in a cozy blanket, you’re setting yourself up for failure. Give yourself time - this is self care.
Create a comforting space
Light a candle, use low light, play soft music, maybe even have a nook in your house that is dedicated to relaxing! The point is, have a relaxing environment that allows you to be peaceful. You can do this all over your house! Have some cozy throws on your bed and couch. Have candles in your home and greenery, play soft music, get rid of clutter etc. A comforting space is a comforting mind.
Spend time in nature
Yes, even in the winter. It’s proven that being outdoors and getting some sunshine helps combat stres, anxiety and depression.
Connect with others
Hygge isn’t just about spending time with yourself, it’s also about surrounding yourself with people that make you happy. Keep your social circle close, be with the people you love, enjoy a meal with them and simply enjoy their company. This also increases the oxytocin hormone called the “cuddle hormone”!
Slow down
Hygge allows us to be in the present moment and just take a beat. So allow yourself to do so. This type of mindfulness is proven to reduce stress and anxiety and increase happiness! There’s so much power in the present.
Take a break from devices.
Instead of going on your phone, computer or watching TV, opt for something screen free such as reading, coloring, journaling or simply sitting in reflection.
If you want to read more about how to add Hygge to your life we recommend this book - it’s a good one and on our bookshelf!!
Enjoy being cozy!!