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Writer's pictureMelissa Dupuis

Lacking Motivation? Try these tips!

We get this a lot. I just can’t stay motivated! I don’t know how to push myself. Nothing motivates me! We’ve all been there, us included!! When we feel like we’re getting into this rut there are numerous ways to get out of it, succumbing to the lack of motivation isn’t one of them though!! Here are some of our recommendations when our clients come to us lacking motivation.

Remind yourself of how you feel AFTER your workout. The hardest part of the workout is starting. Once you get going though, those endorphins and dopamine start to secrete and you just feel better! 9 times out of 10 our clients say they feel better than when they came in and that they’re glad they worked out. To push yourself, remind yourself that you’ll feel great after your workout - and just do it! 

Get out of your head. Your brain is the strongest muscle in your body and can talk you in and out of anything - a workout included. I’m tired, I’m too busy, I’ll do it later - thanks brain! Instead, use your brain positively. Stop making excuses in your head and talk yourself INTO the workout instead of out of it.

Switch it up. Try something new or something you already know you like! Perhaps you’re just bored with what you’re doing and need to do something different. You’re more likely to stick with an exercise routine that you actually enjoy anyways!

Grab a buddy or a trainer. I mean we had to say it right. Having someone to hold you accountable helps you stick to your workout. Whether you’re meeting a friend for a walk or your trainer for a workout, someone other than yourself is expecting you to show up, and you don’t want to let them down.  

Get a strong support system. You don’t have to do this alone! Tell your people your goals and what you’re trying to achieve and they can help you get there! Ask your support system for help and tell them how they can support you through this journey.

Don’t bite off more than you can chew. Sometimes we lack motivation because we’re overwhelmed. Perhaps you set an unrealistic goal of exercising for an hour everyday when that really just won’t work. Don’t set yourself up for failure. Instead, start small and work your way up. Small tiny habits and behavior changes help you make healthier choices and get you to where you want to be. 

Sign up for a class. Again, accountability. When you sign up your name is on the list and you’re expected to be there otherwise you get charged for the class! That’s no fun. Get out of your comfort zone and commit to the class, getting it into your schedule will slowly become a habit and you may even start to look forward to it!

Don’t let a set back, set you back. We all have setbacks. We get injured or we get sick and we can’t workout like we usually do. This doesn’t mean you have to stop working out all together. Focus on what you CAN do instead of what you can’t. Can’t run? How about biking instead! Remind yourself that setbacks are temporary and you can and will get back to what you want to be doing even if it’s a little different. And who knows, maybe you’ll discover something else that you like along the way!

Reflect. What is actually holding you back? Schedule too packed? Hating your workouts? Not loving where you’re working out? Take some time to reflect on what could actually be causing this blip in your motivation so you can get past it. See what small things can change in order for you to get back on track. Some sacrifices may need to be made. For example, maybe you can’t workout for an hour anymore, but you still have a half hour! See where there can be wiggle room so you can understand how you can get back to where you want to be. 

We encourage you to enjoy the journey of the highs and lows and learn from them. There are lessons everywhere in life, we just have to be open to learning from them. We hope one or some of these tips resonate with you and help get you motivated to keep on going!

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