Intrigued by our last blog? Here are some of the things we suggest and use ourselves when it comes to well-being goals.

Go beyond the scale
The number on the scale is one of many tools you can use to measure progress, but it is not the only tool! The scale fluctuates based on many bodily functions such as water retention, muscle gain/loss, sodium intake and even stress! Stressing about the number on the scale is only going to make it worse and really frustrate you! Instead, know that you may fluctuate from time to time, but as long as that fluctuation stays in check (meaning you don’t keep adding on 3-4lbs every week/month) then this is a healthy tool to use to manage progress. It’s great to know your numbers and where you feel your best but try not to obsess over it. Awareness of where you are is key to progress!
Focus on your feelings
Well-being is more than a number on the scale, it’s how you feel. Your energy, your mood, your sleep. How is that going? Do you feel more energized as you start to exercise? Are you sleeping better because you stopped snacking late at night? All of these incremental behavior changes, as small as they may seem, give off big results such as better sleep and increased energy! Regardless if the scale is moving, try and focus on these feelings as well – they are all wins!!!
How are your clothes fitting?
Are your pants more comfortable? Does your shirt fit better? These are all signs of progress! Regardless of your clothing size, you want to be comfortable! Finding clothes that you feel fabulous in is important. Try not to focus on the size, just put something on that feels good. That will increase your self-confidence! Similar to the number on the scale, it’s about how you feel that counts!
Stop labeling food as Good and Bad
A lot of diets out there are going to say certain foods are off limits and certain ones you can have. This gives us the thought process that these foods are “bad” and “good”, which can give us a poor relationship with food. In order to make healthy, lifelong behavior changes that stick – we have to change our relationship with food. Especially around the holidays! During the holidays especially, we are tempted with all sorts of treats. It is up to us to control these cravings by picking and choosing when to indulge – not to deprive ourselves to the point of losing self-control. So have the cookie and ENJOY IT, but maybe we don’t have it the next day or everyday. Getting rid of deprivation will help us have a better relationship with food so that when we do indulge, we enjoy it and don’t beat ourselves up. This will also prevent binge eating due to deprivation!
How does food make you feel
Think about the foods you eat, how do they make you feel? Do you feel energized when you eat a salad with grains and protein? Or do you feel lethargic or bloated after eating a bowl of yogurt? None of these foods are unhealthy, but because we are all unique, some foods agree with us and some don’t! It’s important to understand how certain foods make you feel, and capitalize on the ones that make you feel energized and satiated!
Are you noticing a common trend here? We have so many ways to measure our success – and it all boils down to us paying attention to our emotions and feelings! HOW we feel when we eat certain foods, HOW we feel when we sleep for 8 hours in comparison to 6, HOW we feel when we drink more water, exercise, and manage our stress. Regardless of the tools you personally use, and the tools that we use, we all have the common bond of paying attention to ourselves. Give it a try!!
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